How it works

After you've got in touch we can book in a free, no obligation meeting, this can be either over the phone, face to face (dependent on location) or via a video call. Then, if you decide to go ahead, choose one of the packages below, or we can tailor one if you have specific needs, and once contracts are signed I'll be available to you for questions, any concerns or just for a chat. 

The Moonstone 

  • Birth and postnatal preparation pack
  • Two antenatal sessions (approx two hours each)
  • Text/email/telephone support from booking
  • On call from 38 weeks until the birth
  • Continuous support during labour, and throughout birth
  • A postnatal visit including breastfeeding support (approx two hours)


The Amethyst 

For birthing people who would like some information, knowledge and confidence to help you get the birth you want, I offer single antenatal sessions. The session or sessions are completely tailored to you and what information and support you need. Some of what the sesions can include is, antenatal education, birth preferences and planning, postnatal preparation and infant feeding. 

£45 per session

The Tigers Eye

  • One session during pregnancy to cover the fundamentals of breastfeeding, and an opportunity to ask questions (approx two hours long)
  • Text/email support including sending relevant links and information
  • One postnatal session focusing on support to help you establish breastfeeding (approx two hours long)


The Jade

Postnatal support is designed to support in the early days/weeks/months following childbirth. It is very individual but may include, breastfeeding support, birth debrief, providing emotional support, practical information and helping with aspects of baby care

£15 per hour with a minimum booking of 15 hours

If 20 hours or more are booked, you will receive 2 hours free!

(For example 20 hours would cost £300 but you only pay £270) 

The Diamond

Virtual support

One antenatal session (approx two hours long) to be done at a time that is convenient for you, all online


The Quartz

An opportunity to buy a two hour antenatal session, or a two hour postnatal session (or perhaps both!) as a perfect gift for parents to be

£45 per session, or £80 if both are bought at the same time

Please don't let finances be a barrier to you getting the support that can be so beneficial, and that you deserve, get in touch and we can discuss the option of payment plans.

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